CBD Dosing Guide: Finding What Is Right For You

CBD Dosing Guide: Finding What Is Right For You

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is on the rise in the modern consumer market. Feedback from consumers as well as researchers are overall positive and encouraging. The UK's FSA currently recommends an upper limit of 70mg of CBD per day.



Who Should Not Use CBD Products?


It is important to start with this question because some confusion can be found in the safety of CBD. In 2011 a journal, Current Drug Safety, published a study on the safety and side effects of cannabidiol. The study concluded that chronic use of CBD are well tolerated in humans. In the conclusion, the studies do say that further studies are needed to rule out other scientific claims of negative side effects.


People using other medication


Not only does NaturalWorks CBD interact with some medications, causing the medication to be less effective, it can also cause more adverse side effects.  For example, CBD can interact with pharmaceuticals particularly those that use the CYP 450 enzyme to metabolise. If you are taking other medications, consulting your doctor first is very important.



Pregnant or breastfeeding women


Women in these situations should avoid CBD. Lack of studies being conducted have neither determined it safe or unsafe for them to use. In these situations, it is better to be safe than sorry. 


Variables of finding the right amount


No matter what type of cannabidiol product that is chosen to start with, beginning at a low dose and gradually increasing the amount is a safe way to titrate to the optimal dose. Increasing the starting dose by 5mg each week gives the individual ample time to adjust to the effects slowly. Deciding on an amount of CBD should include the following factors:

  • Body weight
  • Individual body chemistry
  • Concentration of CBD in product of choice 



Dosing Options


The UK's FSA currently recommends an upper limit of 70mg of CBD per day.


When using weight as a guideline, there are other factors that should be taken into account. People may share similar body weight but have other differences such as level of fitness, lifestyle, etc. Some people may need more or less compared to another person. 


Being patient is a necessity when finding the correct dose of CBD that works for you. Since we are unique individuals, what works for someone else may not work for you. A helpful suggestion is keeping a daily log containing date, dose, product, and what you notice. 


How long till you feel the effect after taking CBD?


Again, this comes down to the individual person and how their body responds. The type of CBD product that is used also determines the time it takes for the individual to feel the effects. Various administration methods will act faster or longer. Most packaged CBD products will have dosing suggestions. Those are a good spot to begin. You can always take less than what is recommended when you are first beginning but it is not recommended to take more at the first dose. 


  • Oral CBD products (edibles, powders, capsules)

Oral products such as capsules and gummy edibles are suggested starting with one capsule every 6-12 hours as a starting regiment. 

      • Goes through digestive system first
      • Longer-lasting effects 
      • Longer onset of effects
      • 30-90 minutes
      • Higher dose needed
      • 4+ hours duration


  • Sublingually CBD Products (tinctures)
      • Faster onset
      • 5-10 minutes
      • Lower dose needed
      • 4-6 hours duration


  • Topical CBD Products (lotions or balms)
    • Best for targeted areas
    • 1-3 minutes
    • 4-6 hours duration
    • Higher starter dose 





Cannabidiol has shown many benefits for the human body. As the number of studies increase, the CBD industry is providing more and more consumer options. The options allow each individual consumer to find something that works for them. Since each individual consumer has different needs, it is always a best practice to discuss options with a healthcare provider that knows the individual’s medical history. 


Having patience and keeping a record of the product, dose, side effects and other important markers can allow consumers to stay educated and alert to what their needs are. It is not recommended to start at a high dose. Slow and steady continue to be a best practice. 



Please note that this article does not offer any medical advice or suggestion in regards to CBD and your health. If you have inquiries about using CBD products, talk with your healthcare provider first. 


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